Welcome to February 2011!!
With that in mind I release all guilt I have been feeling regarding being unemployed and lack of exercise and healthier living over the last two years and move ahead looking to the unknown excitement of my life to come. In approximates 26 days it will have been one year that I have been unemployed. Of course only about five months of that time have I spent actually looking for work. Since making the move to California I have been searching for work every day, working with various recruiters/ temp agencies and talking to everyone I can.
During this time I've also been taking some time to do some extra reading and make some changes in my life. I have (as I mentioned earlier in other posts) cut out wheat and I have recently started bike riding again. I'm feeling a difference just not seeing much of one yet.
So last week I took a little time to read through a few books while sitting at the local bookstore. Within those books I found some interesting tidbits. One of the first tidbits that comes to mind is that you shouldn't eat peas if you are trying to get pregnant (at least you shouldn't eat huge amounts of peas). This is for both potential parents not just mom. Apparently there is a chemical called m-xylohydroquinone. It is a naturally occurring chemical that cuts the rate of pregnancy by up to 60%; Sperm counts drop by 50 %! I can honestly say that I had no idea about this. I have not done the fact checking on this yet since I don't really eat lots of peas; it is an easy food to put on the back burner until I have the opportunity to do further research. The book I found this in is: Getting pregnant what you need to know right now – by Niels H. Laursen, M.D., Ph.D., and Colette Bouchez. Feel free to check it out it is a great book and has lots of information. It is great for a reference book as well as an easy read. Most of what I looked at in that book was in chapter 11 titled Fertility Diet 2000. Another tidbit that I got from this book is to increase protein intake by about 10 to 12 percent with lean red meat and poultry. I also read that soybeans and foods containing soy are usually good for women's health, but can interfere with pregnancy.
The authors also have a great list of nutrients and recommended amounts. This is great and will help you to make the best choice regarding multivitamins and supplements.
This information is paired nicely with the super nutrient information found in:
SuperFoods Rx– Fourteen foods that will change your life by Steven Pratt, M.D., and Kathy Matthews.
Here the authors list 14 super nutrients and the amounts recommended along with where you can find those nutrients within your daily menu.
As I have mentioned in previous posts if you are experiencing difficulties in fertility, check out wheat-free/gluten free diet. I have found that the more I stay away from gluten the better I feel. I have not gone 100% gluten free yet because I'm waiting to see a doctor for formal testing to see if I am gluten intolerant or if I have celiac
Well that's my latest rant and whine session hope you are all enjoying my writing and antics. Post comments either way. Hope and love to you all and thanks for reading.