Saturday, September 11, 2010

I think I need a hug!

When I got pregnant with Lilly I also got rosacea. When I lost Lilly the rosacea stayed.  It has been one year and 7 months since losing my daughter but the rosacea is still with me.  I thought this was a permanent (or long time) reminder of my failure.  As it turns out,this is not a reflection of my failure (duh!)  it's just my hormones still settling after pregnancy.  The fact that I was still getting pumped up with hormones a year ago when I had my last miscarriage never even occurred to me.  After speaking with a skin care representative yesterday  I realized that wow it really hasn't been that long and my body changes slowly.  So as the rosacea slowly starts to clear up and I start to look more and more like a woman again I am reminded that I need to give myself a break in so many little ways that I haven't been.  I know, how corny is that to get lessons about my life (bigger picture stuff) from skin care issues.  It all comes back to the macrocosm is a reflection of the microcosm and the microcosm is a reflection of the macrocosm.  (sigh)  I don't expect most people to get  what I'm saying but I do and that's enough for now. 

Long story short, too late I know... treat yourself with the same respect you would another who has gone through what you have.  Hug yourself, love yourself and you'll see the sun shining even when it's raining. 

Hugs and love to you all,


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