Wednesday, October 27, 2010

New Diet Success so far - No wheat too many carbs?

A few weeks ago I mentioned that I was looking into some basic diets for infertility.  Along the way I had a moment when I thought, "hey, I might have a wheat sensitivity."  So I started looking into what that means and how it potentially affects me.  What I found was that there is a correlation between wheat sensitivity and rosacea, digestive problems, weight fluctuation, abdominal pain, bloating, bowel disorders, colitis, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, IBS, stomach cramping, drowsiness, food cravings, infection susceptibility, lethargy, mouth ulcers, edema, infertility, menstrual disorders, miscarriage, urinary tract infection, anemia, iron deficiency, mineral deficiency, arthritis, bone density loss, joint pain/swelling, muscular aches, neck pain, rheumatic pain, autism, behavioral problems, depression, headaches, learning disability, mental confusion, migraines, poor memory, asthma, breathlessness, bronchitis, cough, ear infections, itchy nose, nasal congestion, post nasal drip, rhinitis, sensitivity to chemicals, snoring and sleep apnea, wheezing, dermatitis herpetiformis, eczema, fungal infection (skin and nails), hives, itchy flaking skin, psoriasis, rashes, itchy watery blisters and I'm sure there are more items that could be added to this list.
After looking at that huge list, remember that any one of those items could be just a simple issue and may not be a food allergy/sensitivity at all. 
I also read a blog by Cindy Baily at  In her blog she mentions that wheat and dairy are two of the most difficult foods to digest.  She feels that they should be removed from the diet of someone trying to conceive.  This news just added to my decision to try a wheat free diet. (Personally I think it is best to try to remove only one item at a time for better results.)
So, it has been 2 weeks since I started avoiding wheat products.  In this time I have managed to a) get a period and b) feel less bloated.
These are just about miracle results for me.  I have had multiple dnc’s over the last 3 years and several attempts at chemical dnc’s with pretty much no luck in having a regular period.   This started just as I began to avoid wheat products.  The shocker for me was (believe it or not) that flour is wheat!    I feel incredibly dim witted not knowing that all purpose flour is a wheat product.  That made me feel as though pulling wheat out of my diet entirely (or at least 90+%) would be impossible.  I was at a local grocery store that has a great selection of gluten-free products and cookbooks and found lots of recipes online as well.  Fear not cupcakes and cereal are still on the menu.
The problem comes in when I realize how many carbs I’m ingesting in a single sitting because I’m on the search for carbs that are not gluten rich.   So now my new concern is making the gluten free diet fit in with healthy balanced meals throughout the day.  I’ll write back as I figure out more things. J


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